Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Arguing over Chloe King's super powers

Guest post written by Jamie Ventura

You could say that I'm kind of a nerd. But I embrace it. Yes I love Star Wars and a whole treasure trove of all kinds of sci-fi shows to go along with them. But with all that barely useful knowledge about supernatural powers of characters, I can really put up a heck of an argument about watching shows with supernatural stuff in them. It's actually one of my favorite pastimes to do.

Last week my roommates and I - who's as equally nerdy about this kind of stuff - had an argument over the supernatural powers of the main character in the Nine Lives of Chloe King. Because we were arguing, I had to look up a detail to clarify for sake of the argument and while I was doing that, I ran across http://www.Wirelessinternet.net. I showed it to my roommate and we decided to switch over our house's internet service to it.

the part that we were arguing about in regards to her Chloe King super powers was how hers differed from the other supernatural creatures on the show. I ended up being right!

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