Friday, February 3, 2012

Music Lessons

One thing that I personally have always wanted to do was to play the piano. I was never able to when I was little because you really need to have a piano to practice on and our house was always to small to have one. I could have used a keyboard back then but they were not as popular then as they are now days. They were very expensive and were usually only seen by professional musicians. Now you can get a really good on at a used music store for under $600. My husband and I love to go to music stores and look around. He likes to look at the Fender guitars because he really enjoys to play. I really like to listen to him as well. He did take some lessons before and when he practices you can really tell that he gets better. He does not really ever have the time to play since we are so busy. One reason I like music stores is because I love to watch people practice on the guitar some of them are very talented. I'm hoping to get a keyboard for the kids sometime soon so I can start them both next year with lessons. We have a lady in our town that also is part of our church that gives them and is very good. I'm really looking forward to it.

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