Friday, July 8, 2011


When you move out of the house away from your parents it is easy to worry about small things like insurance. I remember worrying about it because for one I really knew nothing about it or where to get it. I did not want to pay an arm and a leg for it but I knew that we needed it. It is sometimes easy to just follow your parents and get the same insurance that they have because you expect it to be the best. Sometimes however your parents are stuck in the times and other things are much cheaper and actually better than what they have. Ken and I never just went with the insurance our parents had. We liked to do the research for ourselves. TheWholesale Insurance site sure makes it easy. As a matter of fact when we changed our policy I told my mom of our savings and she switched ours as well. It never hurts to shop around even if you think your parents know best. It saved us a lot through the years and we actually have better coverage because of it.

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