Friday, July 8, 2011

With the times

How would you rate yourself with keeping up with technology? I would say that we are not the most up to date people if you would ask me. As a matter of fact just about the only thing that we have that is up to date would be our television set. Besides that we still have the DVD and also the very old VHS player. We do not have a blue ray player or any cool gadgets like the ipod nano 8g. Our cell phones are also pretty much out of date even thought they are only a little over a year old.
I to be honest do not really mind being behind if you ask me. Now if you were to ask my husband he would tell you that he would like to be a little more advanced. I think that is just a man thing with the electronic however. I know not all men are like that but some of them are and I have one of them. I am sure we will update things in the future but as for now we are just fine enjoying last years models.

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