Thursday, July 7, 2011


I have only rode on an atv one time in my life. I don't know why they scare me because my kids love to ride them. They go with their little helmets with my dad all the time. I guess I really don't know much about them so it is hard for me to just jump on them and go fast. I have also heard many horror stories from people riding them. As a matter of fact a boy from our church had a really bad accident on one and they were worried about him for a long time. Thankfully he recovered. I think that Off Road Lights would be a great gift idea for my dad. Then he could ride his atv during the night. I know he loves to ride it but he does not get home from work till the evenings so he does not have much time. Maybe I will get them for his upcoming birthday. I always have a hard time finding a gift for the man that has everything.

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